Friday, April 6, 2012

Why am I still single?

Because I am absolutely tired of hearing from practically everyone I know "You're so great/pretty/fun/smart/nice...why are you so single?" or some other variation of it,  here is a little synapsis of what I've experienced in the dating pool lately:

Him: "If you knew what I was supposed to be doing Friday night, I'm not sure you'd want to go out with me."
Me: "Oh? What was that?"
Him: "I was supposed to film a porno for money. Don't tell me you're one of those traditional girls who isn't okay with that."
Me: "You're right. I guess I'm traditional."

Me: "My thesis is on Catholic colleges and universities' response to over-involved parents."
Him: "Oh, I'm Catholic. I totally get the joke there."
Me: "That's not a joke. That really is my thesis topic."

Me: "My parents are very important to me. I'm very close with them. I talk to my mom every day and go to basketball games with my dad."
Him: "Well, your dad's gotta die sometime, right?"

Him: "I'm old-fashioned, and don't play games."
Me: "Good. I really like you and don't want to rush into anything physically."
Him: "If you don't want to do that, then you're clearly not into me."

So there's my answer...the next person who asks is just going to get an email link to this post, and a slap across the face.

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