Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Run, Velveeta, RUN!

Over the course of 2010, I have taken on a new hobby: running.

Those of you who have known me all my life can stop laughing now.

Confession: I was never a runner. When I played softball my plan was to hit the ball far so I could get on base. I am SLOW. Still am.

But in 2010 I got on a bit of a health kick, not to fit into skinny jeans, but to fit into my heart once again. (Winded and sweating from one flight of stairs is soooo not cute.)

By the grace of technology, I found an app called C25k for my precious pink iPhone. C25k is a running program that trains you on how to go from basically being a couch potato to running a 5k, in the course of 9 weeks, through interval training. It prompts you to switch between walking and running with the sound of a chime and some bossy guy saying "walk" or "run." Each week the running time lenghthens and the walking time shortens, all during the course of about 30-40 minutes.

10 weeks (weather and humidity got in the way of my on time graduation) after my download, I was able to successfully run for a half hour straight. This is a HUGE accomplishment for me. Now I am easily able to run the 3.1 miles a 5K consists of and I am no longer winded or sweaty when climbing stairs (and about 40lbs cuter.)

This Saturday I will (try to) run my first official 5K. With the love and support of so many people around me, I will venture into the crowds for the Union County MusicFest Rock & Run and (attempt to) finish a 5K in public amongst other runners.

Things going through my head that I need to brain dump here before they get in the way of me completing my 5K:
1. Running with other people - Ask my friend, Kristina: I run alone.
2. Running with other people who are faster than me - Which is pretty much everyone.
3. Running with other people who have done this before - Where do I sign up? How do I wear one of those paper taggy things? What happens if I trip? What side of the road do I stay on? I feel like a freshmen on the first day of college.
4. Running so slow I lose the pack and get lost - They'll have signs, right??
5. Hills - 'Nuff said.
6. Being the last person at the finish line - Actually, just hoping that I get to the finish line.

I've run my share of 3.1 mile runs; three this week actually. Never with an audience, never with fellow runners, and never with this much support behind me to see me finish! So, with my trusty old Saucony's, favorite SHU shorts, dry-fit t-shirt given to me by my friend Kim (an Olympic track coach) and my mom standing on the sidelines, I just hope I don't blink as they take my picture running across the finish line! 

...Came back to edit this a few minutes later when reality struck me.  Thousands of innocent people lost their lives 9 years ago Saturday. What's a measly 3.1 miles?  Remember, ...always.

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